Super Pollutant Day: Fast action on short-lived climate pollutants 11 September, 2018 15:00 - 17:45 Museum of Modern Art San Francisco Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Image [media_placeholder] Breadcrumb Home Events & Meetings Super Pollutant Day: Fast Action On Short-lived Climate Pollutants Join us for Super Pollutant Day where two high level panels will present the scientific rationale for urgent action and benefits from reducing short-lived climate pollutants, and the commitments being made by all levels of government, the private sector, and civil society. The day will focus on climate actions that can: Rapidly reduce the rate of warming Prevent millions of premature deaths each year Increase food and energy security Help deliver the sustainable development goals The day will celebrate fast action heroes with an award ceremony for the 2018 Climate and Clean Air Awards. From individual efforts to state and national policies, the honorees’ work helps transform attitudes, spark innovation, provide business opportunities, and improve lives and livelihoods. Award recipients exemplify what climate action looks like. This year’s finalists include Leonardo DiCaprio, Nobel Prize Laureate Mario Molina, and other extraordinary people. Learn more about the award finalists here. Speakers include: The Hon. James Shaw, Minister for Climate Change, New Zealand The Hon. Inia Seruiratu, Minister for Agriculture, Rural & Maritime Development, and National Disaster Management, Fiji and Fijian COP23 Presidency High-Level Champion for Global Climate Action Erik Solheim, Head of the United Nations Environment Programme Ricardo Lara, State Senator, California Fran Pavley, Former State Senator, California Professor Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Distinguished Professor of Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego Cesar Aguirre, Central California Environmental Justice Network Durwood Zaelke, Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development Additional participants to be confirmed. Time table 1:00pm – 2:15pm Opening and Panel 1: Super pollutants: Why we need to act now 2:15pm – 2:45pm Coffee Break 2:45pm – 3:45pm Panel 2: Commitments and action 3:45pm – 4:30pm Coffee Break 4:30pm – 6:00pm Climate and Clean Air Awards 6:00pm – 8:00pm Cocktail Reception Watch live Registration Advance registration is required using the link below. Register Event contact CCAC Secretariat [email protected] Side event of Global Climate Action Summit 12 September, 2018 - 14 September, 2018 Organizers Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (IGSD) Add to Calendar Google Yahoo! iCal / MS Outlook