
Founded in 2015, AirQo’s objective is to contribute to the improvement of urban air quality by developing low-cost sensing technology to measure air quality and applying artificial intelligence (AI) to derive insights to inform policy intervention and mitigation actions.

AirQo has developed and deployed over 200 low-cost air quality monitors across Africa and developed robust air quality data management systems enabling access to air quality data in over 16 African cities through custom digital platforms ( The AirQo data infrastructure has the potential to provide data access to over 60 million people in different African cities.

We facilitate data uptake through working with diverse stakeholders to co-create a scalable model for science-policy interface. AirQo champions multi-stakeholder partnerships and synergies with city governments, environmental management authorities, the private sector, civil society organisations, communities, and the scientific communities to contribute to awareness and enhancing capacity for tackling air pollution health challenges in African cities.

Through AirQo’s two-pronged mission, we remain committed to supporting the CCAC aspirations by democratising climate reporting and monitoring and strengthening regional collaborations to advance Africa-led efforts for tackling urban air pollution.


Plot 56 University Pool Road, Software Systems Centre, Block B, College of Computing and Information Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
