Air Pollution Prevention and Control Policy Year 2010 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Read more Breadcrumb Home Policy Database Air Pollution Prevention and Control Policy Objective Promote air quality management in the short, medium, and long term, in order to achieve adequate air quality levels to protect human health and well-being within the framework of sustainable development. Description The 2010 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Policy defines activities to manage air resources in urban centres in accordance with their specific characteristics and environmental problems, as well as in rural areas. It aims to coordinate environmental, health, transport and energy authorities to cooperate when managing issues such as epidemiological surveillance, renewal of the vehicle fleet, fuel quality, cleaner production and sustainable consumption, good practices, best available technologies, corporate social responsibility, land use planning and management of shared projects. This national policy was issued in accordance with the guidelines established in document CONPES 3344 of 2005. Measures The Policy aimed to achieve its objectives by pursuing actions relating to the: Regulation of pollutants in the atmosphere that can affect human health and the well-being of the population, and the setting of adequate levels to protect the health of the population and human well-being; Identification of the main sources of emission of pollutants affecting human health and population well-being; Establishment, promotion and strengthening of strategies to prevent and minimise the generation of pollutant and noise emissions into the atmosphere; Strengthening of spaces for coordination, participation and training for actors involved in the prevention and control of air pollution; and Continuation of the implementation of commitments made by the country and increasing access to opportunities offered by multilateral agreements on the environment related to prevention and control of air pollution. Last update 6 July, 2023