Image [media_placeholder] Eswatini - Deliver training and awareness raising material on SLCPs from household energy use and their impacts Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Eswatini - Deliver Training and Awareness Raising Material On SLCPs From Household Energy Use and Their Impacts Year 2023 2026 Beneficiary Eswatini Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Eswatini National Council on Arts and Culture This project responds to the request by the Eswatini’s Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs to encourage adoption of electric cooking technology. Eswatini has electricity access connectivity above 80%, but the majority of the population is still using wood fuel for cooking meals - and electricity for refrigeration, TV, lighting, and cell phone charging. Eswatini is now faced with diminishing wood fuel as there is a high rate of deforestation. The Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Affairs together with stakeholders is planting millions of trees to curb this problem, but without awareness of the dangers of household air pollution, health impacts and deforestation will continue to rise. Objectives The project aims to achieve the following by its completion: Target audience reports adoption of electric cooking technology in final project survey The government of Eswatini has increased capacity to raise awareness among the population of the multiple benefits of clean household fuels and technologies to increase uptake of electric cooking among households The public awareness-raising materials are shared with interested countries in the region with the aim of increasing the percentage of cooking with electricity in countries with similarly high levels of access and countries interested in increasing access to electricity. What we're doing The main project deliverables are: Develop baseline data for Eswatini to determine the impact of the awareness raising, and deliver final project survey to determine uptake of electric cooking technology among the target population Provide report with an overview of lessons learned from countries facing similar challenges where electric cookstoves have been rolled out with success to support Eswatini. Deliver public awareness-raising materials, such as brochures, posters for public institutions, radio, and newspaper advertisements, and engage students and the health sector to advocate for clean cooking – with the goal of increasing whole-of-government support for enhanced ambition and urgent action in the sector
Year 2023 2026 Beneficiary Eswatini Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Eswatini National Council on Arts and Culture