Image [media_placeholder] Foster methane mitigation in Morocco's agriculture sector Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Foster Methane Mitigation In Morocco's Agriculture Sector Year 2024 2026 Beneficiary Morocco, Kingdom of Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) RationaleWith CCAC support, Morocco has completed its National SLCP Planning process and has identified priority SLCP mitigation measures, that were included in its revised NDC. As a Global Methane Pledge signatory, Morocco supports the voluntary commitment to reduce global methane emissions by 30% by 2030 compared to 2020 levels. In response to that endorsement, Morocco is now working on developing a methane roadmap and on assessing the methane capture and energy generation potential for three major landfills. It is planning to submit its revised NDC in 2025, which includes taking stock of existing analysis in key sectors such as agriculture.At a minimum, this project will deliver an Action Plan to reduce methane from Morocco’s agriculture sector, including a detailed assessment of methane emissions, mitigation measures, and mitigation pathways with special emphasis on the meat and dairy sectors. It should also inform the SLCP mitigation measures and/or SLCP reduction targets in Morocco’s 2025 NDC update and prepare for the UNEP/CCAC Green Climate Fund (GCF) methane mitigation programme that is expected to start implementation in 2025. Morocco has expressed interest in being part of this GCF programme and has participated in discussions on the scope.ObjectivesThis project aims to:Enable The Government of Morocco to endorse methane mitigation measures and an action plan to reduce methane from the agriculture sector.Support The Government of Morocco in integrating SLCP reduction targets and/or mitigation measures for the agriculture sector in its 2025 NDC update and other relevant plans and strategies.Increase the capacity of the Government of Morocco has increased capacity in methane emissions inventory development through updated and improved methane emission estimates for the agriculture sector that can be fed into future UNFCCC reporting including MRV frameworks.The Government of Morocco identifies funding sources for adopting and upscaling new practices to reduce methane emissions from the dairy and meat sectors by the end of the project or soon after.ActivitiesTo achieve its objectives, the project will:Create an action plan to reduce methane mitigation from the agriculture sector.Develop recommendations to integrate SLCP reduction targets and/or mitigation measures for the agriculture sector in the next NDC update and other relevant plans and strategies and to enhance the MRV Framework.Conduct technical and financial assessments of mitigation practices from the livestock, agricultural waste, and food waste sectors.Develop project design documents for at least 2 mitigation practices.Hold a capacity-building workshop to support the development of a Tier 2 agriculture GHG emission inventory, applying IPCC Tier 2 methods and associated guidelines and tools.Document lessons learned and experiences from implementing practice/technology and plans for upscaling (such as identified funding sources, implementation cost estimates, funding proposal, plan to integrate into the national budget, and engagement with the ministry of finance/planning). Project Reference: [MA-23-003] Foster methane mitigation in Morocco's agriculture sector
Year 2024 2026 Beneficiary Morocco, Kingdom of Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)