Ghana – Build capacity to meet new regulation on biomass cookstoves

CCAC Funded
Implementing partners
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research -Institute of Industrial Research (CSIR-IIR)


Biomass is one of the widely available renewable energy resources that is used for cooking and heating purposes. The use of improved, clean cookstoves with high thermal efficiency, good combustion performance, and low emissions reduces adverse effects on human health, reduces energy consumption and contributes to environmental sustainability. Understanding and applying stove design and manufacturing is key to improving thermal and emission performance.

In 2022, Ghana passed a regulation on ‘Renewable Energy (Standards and Labelling) (Improved Biomass Cookstoves) Regulations, 2022’, regulating the cookstove sector value chain from manufacturing, importation, distribution, to the sale of improved biomass cookstoves. Assessments of the sector have identified weaknesses in locally produced cookstoves on the local market, indicating a risk of these cookstoves falling short of minimum performance requirements.  

Local manufacturers require capacity building a) to ensure that stoves become GSA-ISO standards-compliant, and b) In order to improve the design of cookstoves, increasing their competitiveness in a market that is already receiving foreign cookstoves. The first phase of this project has equipped the manufacturers with practical knowledge and skills, and an understanding of design mechanisms and how they relate to stove performance and compliance through a practical training workshop. 

The second phase will involve in-factory support by experts to manufacturers to co-design and improve the quality of their local stoves for better performance.  The new stoves produced in the project will be sent to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Regional Testing and Knowledge Centre (CSIR-RTKC) laboratory for GSA-ISO compliance testing on thermal efficiency, safety and emissions. 


This project aims to:

1. Manufacturers adopt better practices in stove performance and meet compliance with national standards through a better understanding of biomass cookstove design parameters.

2. Stove manufacturers produce a set of stoves meeting the new regulations and international standards.


  • Training workshop on the new regulations and implications for stove design challenges identified by experts on existing stoves in Ghana.
  • Training and production of stoves in factories and testing in the lab for performance in accordance to GSA-ISO for compliance.


Project Reference: [GH-23-004t] Ghana – Build capacity to meet new regulations on biomass cookstoves