Image [media_placeholder] Increasing implementation of actions to achieve Nigeria's SLCP targets Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Increasing Implementation of Actions To Achieve Nigeria's SLCP Targets Year 2022 2024 Beneficiary Nigeria Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Nigeria Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) RationaleIn July 2019, Nigeria's Federal Executive Council endorsed its National Action Plan on SLCPs, which identified 22 specific mitigation actions to reduce black carbon and methane by about 80% and 60% respectively. In August 2021, Nigeria submitted its updated NDC to the UNFCCC, which increased its climate change mitigation ambition and integrated SLCPs and air pollution benefits into its climate change commitment. The full implementation of the NDC would reduce black carbon and methane emissions by 42% and 28% in 2030 compared to baseline, and the NDC could also avoid over 30,000 premature deaths—the majority of which would be infants—per year from implementation of clean and more efficient cooking fuels. Substantial barriers remain in implementing SLCP targets despite Nigeria’s progress in the planning and identification of targets and mitigation measures to reduce SLCPs.Almost three-quarters of Nigerians rely on biomass for cooking, which causes household air pollution contributing to over 100,000 premature deaths per year. The majority of these are infant deaths. According to the Global Burden of Disease, almost one in five infant deaths from air pollution worldwide occur in Nigeria. Implementing actions that directly reduce child exposure to air pollution, like switching to clean, more efficient cooking fuels and technologies, could thus have a significant impact on the number of children dying from air pollution globally. The aim of this project is to increase implementation of actions to achieve Nigeria's goals on Short-Lived Climate Pollutant mitigation by building on six years of work undertaken in Nigeria for National Action Planning on SLCPs. ObjectivesThis project will aim to:Increase awareness across Government of the benefits of implementing SLCP measures.Catalyse funding through project proposals submitted to national or international funders. Integrate SLCPs into Nigeria's climate change Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems, specifically the Nigeria Climate Registry.Detailed assessment and implementation plan for the household energy sector, including State-level mitigation pathways and health impact assessment. Strengthen institutional capacity to monitor and track progress on the SLCP benefits of projects already underway to assess how the SLCP targets can be achieved. ActivitiesTo achieve these objectives the project will:Engage an NDC implementation strategy team and other stakeholders to identify and develop SLCP-focused implementation strategies.Draft SLCP-specific chapters of Nigeria's NDC implementation strategy.Organise a meeting with Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning and identify strategies to integrate SLCP measure implementation in national budget appropriation cycle and national development planning processes. Develop meeting report summarising key steps to include SLCPs within national planning and budgeting processes. Organise and lead implementation strategy meeting for SLCP targets to identify projects and proposals MDAs can support to increase implementation of SLCP mitigation measures. Develop and submit project proposals with MDAs for submission to national budget process and international donors for funding.Update the national SLCP emission inventory, budget analysis for SLCP- funded projects, and other materials to include in updated annual progress report on National SLCP Strategy.Engage with team developing National Climate registry to identify and inform how SLCPs can be integrated into monitoring system.Develop templates and guidance for quantification of SLCP reductions for projects included in Nigeria climate change registry.Hold 1-week training workshop to build capacity in Ministry of Environment to quantify SLCP reductions from climate change projects to include in climate registry.Develop subnational assessment of household energy emissions, impacts and mitigation scenarios for each State, to identify sub-national pathways to achieve the NDC target.Develop an implementation strategy for household energy targets within Nigeria's NDC.Project reference: Increasing implementation of actions to achieve Nigeria's SLCP targets [NG-21-001] Tags Regions Africa Themes National policy and planning
Year 2022 2024 Beneficiary Nigeria Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Nigeria Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)