Kenya - Develop a National Methane Reduction Implementation Strategy for the livestock sub sector

CCAC Funded
Implementing partners
Solidaridad East and Central Africa (ECA)


Kenya has made significant progress in incorporating climate considerations into its extensive livestock sector through targeted initiatives and projects. 

According to the Kenya Second National Communications, the agriculture sector is the largest contributor to GHG emissions. The sector’s emissions are likely to increase from 30 million tonnes of CO2 -equivalent in 2010 to 35 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2030, largely driven by livestock (Government of Kenya, 2015). 

The largest share of emissions of the agriculture sector originates from enteric fermentation associated with ruminant livestock, agricultural soils and manure management. Emissions from livestock are expected to rise due to increased food demand for the growing population leading to increased encroachment of forests through agricultural expansion. 


This project aims to:  

  • Increase the capacity of Kenyan dairy farmers increase their capacity to implement methane mitigation technologies and practices.
  • Enable the State Department for Livestock Development to endorse an implementation plan for mitigation strategies on selected farms and corresponding monitoring frameworks.
  • Enable the Government of Kenya to endorse a methane reduction implementation strategy for the livestock sub-sector.
  • The Government of Kenya adopts an improved MRV framework for the livestock sub-sector by the end of the project or soon after. 


To achieve these objectives, the project will:

  • Conduct strategic mapping of dairy farms to identify where to focus efforts, ensuring targeted and efficient training and the establishment of demonstration farms with 3,000 farmers. Training will enhance farmers’ knowledge and skills, enabling them to implement effective mitigation practices. 
  • Develop an implementation plan for mitigation strategies, deliver Training of Trainers sessions, and create a tool for data collection and GHG analysis to facilitate efficient data collection and demonstrate mitigation outcomes. 
  • Organise stakeholder consultations ensures the strategy is comprehensive and widely accepted. 
  • Develop an improved MRV system which will ensure accurate tracking of emissions and progress and be aligned with the requirements of the transparency framework. 

Project Reference: [KE-24-002] Kenya - Develop a National Methane Reduction Implementation Strategy for the livestock sub sector