Image [media_placeholder] Maldives - Strengthening Implementation of Energy Efficiency Programmes in the Cooling Sector Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Maldives - Strengthening Implementation of Energy Efficiency Programmes In The Cooling Sector Year 2024 2025 Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy (MoCCEE), Maldives RationaleMaldives’ first National Action Plan on Air Pollutants integrates existing plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air quality. The plan outlines 28 mitigation measures across three priority source sectors: waste, electricity generation, and transport. If implemented fully, the plan would result in a 40% reduction of black carbon, 27% reduction of nitrogen oxides, and 59% reduction in direct fine particulate matter emissions by 2030 compared to baseline scenarios. To further advance its commitment to phase out hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Maldives has worked with the CCAC on a feasibility study for district cooling, a more efficient and sustainable alternative to traditional air conditioners that use HFCs as refrigerants.Through the CCAC Expression of Interest process, the Maldives had requested CCAC support for strengthening institutions and capacities for effective implementation and enforcement its Hakathari – Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Program and existing Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Buildings in the Maldives. ObjectivesThis project aims to:• Enhance Maldives authorities' and stakeholders' capacity to implement and enforce the Hakathari Program or Energy Efficiency standards and labelling program.• Enhance Maldives authorities ability to implement the Maldives Energy Efficiency Guideline for Buildings. ActivitiesTo achieve these objectives the project will:Provide technical support to the Energy Efficiency Section of the Ministry to respond technical queries regarding program requirements.Organise an online workshop on Hakathari Label implementation targeting manufactures of air conditioners who supply to Maldives, testing laboratories and importers.Organise a workshop on effectively utilising the Maldives Energy Efficiency Guideline for Buildings. Project reference: [MV-22-004] Maldives - Strengthening Implementation of Energy Efficiency Programmes in the Cooling Sector
Year 2024 2025 Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy (MoCCEE), Maldives