Moldova - Finalize emissions projections and gridded emission estimates for CLRTAP reporting

CCAC Funded
Implementing partners

This project responds to a request made by the Ministry of Environment of Moldova to increase capacity to meet obligations under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). 

Project reference: [MD-23-001t] Moldova - Finalize emissions projections and gridded emission estimates for CLRTAP reporting

What we're doing

This project is will increase the ability of national institutions in the Republic of Moldova to identify, evaluate and prioritize SLCP-focused mitigation actions within their national air pollution and climate change planning and reporting. 

At a minimum, this project will deliver: 

  • Capacity building and awareness raising workshops 
  • Reports and datasets on emissions projections for submission to CLRTAP
  • Recommendations report for the inclusion of SLCP priority measures in climate change adaptation local plans