Image [media_placeholder] NDC implementation in Bangladesh Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio NDC Implementation In Bangladesh Year 2020 2021 Beneficiary Bangladesh Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Bangladesh Bangladesh is a founding member of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and has been a leader in the CCAC's national planning support work since 2013. Bangladesh's Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change adopted a National Plan for the reduction of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) in 2018. This plan includes 12 mitigation measures that target the major sources of black carbon and methane, but which would also reduce a range of other greenhouse gases and air pollutants. Many of these mitigation actions have been included Bangladesh's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). ObjectivesTo support implementation of the measures included Bangladesh’s national SLCP plan and NDC, this project will: Build capacity within the Department of Environment and Climate Change Division to continue integrated assessments of greenhouse gases, SLCPs and air pollutant emissions using the LEAP-IBC tool Develop quantitative analysis of the greenhouse gas, SLCP and air pollutant emission reduction potential of all relevant plans, strategies and policies in Bangladesh related to climate change planning and SLCP mitigation Identify the most effective implementation pathways for priority SLCP mitigation measures in Bangladesh. Coordinate the development of projects that increase implementation of SLCP abatement measures Monitor and evaluate progress on achieving goals in the National SLCP Plan and institutionalize the monitoring and evaluation process within the SLCP Unit, with linkage made to other relevant monitoring and evaluation processes Link national SLCP planning in Bangladesh to related planning processes, including those for climate change, air quality, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Why we're doing this workBangladesh updated their NDC in August 2021 and identified their national SLCP Plan as a key policy document to support implementation. Many of the 12 mitigation actions (6 targeting black carbon and 6 targeting methane) identified in the national SLCP plan have been included in Bangladesh's NDC to achieve their unconditional and conditional contributions. These include: Enforcement of more efficient technologies for brick production Implementation of alternate wetting and drying for rice production Improvement of feed to reduce enteric fermentation emissions Methane reductions from improved manure management practices Waste to energy projects for municipal solid waste Bangladesh's NDC has committed to further action to reduce SLCPs, such as implementation of the Kigali Amendment to reduce HFCs and a 51% reduction in fugitive methane leaks from oil and gas infrastructure. Implementation of these NDC measures would also contribute to achieving the multiple climate, air pollution and health benefits outlined in Bangladesh's national SLCP plan. Related documents Policies, Plans & Regulations 2020 Bangladesh National Action Plan for Reducing Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Download Download APR_2020_NAP_SLCP_Bangladesh_15mb.pdf en Added on: 09 April, 2020
Policies, Plans & Regulations 2020 Bangladesh National Action Plan for Reducing Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Download Download APR_2020_NAP_SLCP_Bangladesh_15mb.pdf en Added on: 09 April, 2020