Supporting Nigeria's NDC update

In 2019, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) supported Nigeria to include commitments to reduce short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) in its updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), following the measures outlined in Nigeria’s National SLCP Plan.


The CCAC’s assistance focused on strengthening capacity of the Climate Change Direction of the Federal Ministry of Environment of Nigeria to implement its National SLCP Plan and integrate SLCPs into relevant planning processes, including Nigeria’s revised NDC.


Main activities carried out:

  • Coordinated and monitored the National SLCP plan: updated emission estimates, reviewed annual progress reports, and collated indicators relevant to SLCP mitigation measures
  • Linked the implementation of National SLCP plan to Nigeria’s National Development plan, updated NDC, and sectoral plans, among others
  • Mobilized resources and technical assistance for the implementation of the SLCP measures included in Nigeria’s SLCP plan and revised NDC


The support provided to Nigeria led to increased ambition in Nigeria’s updated NDC. Through the support of UNDP Climate Promise, CAEP, and SEI, SLCP mitigation measures were included into Nigeria’s revised NDCs, including those identified in the 2019 National Action Plan to Reduce SLCPs endorsed by the Federal Executive Council.

Nigeria’s NDC also outlined new commitments that target major sources of SLCPs, including reducing fugitive methane emissions from oil and gas by 60% in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario. If the NDC is fully achieved, black carbon will reduce by 42 per cent, methane by 28 per cent, and HFCs by 2 per cent, all by 2030. Air pollutants, like particulate matter that contributes to health issues such as heart disease, lung cancer, and asthma, would be reduced by 35 per cent. This could avert 30,000 premature deaths every year, the majority of them infant deaths.
