Image [media_placeholder] Supporting Zimbabwe's NDC update Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Supporting Zimbabwe's NDC Update Year 2020 Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Zimbabwe Although Zimbabwe contributes little to global greenhouse gas emissions, the country is dedicated to tackling climate change and air pollution. A partner of the CCAC since 2018, Zimbabwe received support from CCAC to assess greenhouse gases and short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) for the revision of the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). This activity was completed by CCAC under the NDC Partnership Climate Action Enhancement Package. The technical support provided helped Zimbabwe develop a greenhouse gas mitigation analysis for the formulation of its revised NDC and specifically consider short-lived climate pollutants and air quality benefits. Diverse country stakeholders received online training on the aspects of undertaking a greenhouse gas mitigation assessment for energy and non-energy source sectors. The training also introduced the participants to the LEAP software. Objectives Undertake the analytical modelling required to develop a revised level of greenhouse gas mitigation ambition for Zimbabwe’s NDC update Quantify greenhouse gas emissions for all economic sectors, including agriculture, forestry and land-use (AFOLU), and waste and industrial processes, which were not covered in Zimbabwe’s first NDC. As well as updating the greenhouse gas emission estimates for the energy sector Build capacity within institutions in Zimbabwe to undertake their own assessments of greenhouse gas mitigation and have the capacity to continue after the duration of the project ActivitiesThe CCAC project was divided into four activities: Activity 1 was to set up the project, define linkages to other climate change planning processes and review existing processes and plans Activity 2 sought to build the capacity of national experts to conduct and sustain greenhouse gas mitigation analysis. The project did this through capacity building and by ensuring that national experts were recruited to work on the project and to work alongside planners in the Ministry of Environment, with technical support provided by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). For the capacity building side, CCAC conducted a workshop for national stakeholders on the use of the LEAP-IBC tool. The LEAP-IBC workshop focused on demonstrating how the tool could be used to develop the greenhouse gas mitigation assessment. In Activity 3, a greenhouse gas mitigation analysis was developed for all economic sectors for Zimbabwe’s NDC revision. The AFOLU, waste and industrial processes, which were not covered in Zimbabwe’s first NDC, were also included in the analysis. The analysis also included an update of the greenhouse gas emission estimates for the energy sector. The analysis was done with input and feedback from planners in the Ministry of Environment to ensure that the analysis can continue to be developed and used for subsequent assessments. Activity 4 entailed finalizing the greenhouse gas mitigation analysis and quantifying the greenhouse gas emission reduction potential of the selected NDC measures. The greenhouse gas emission reduction potential of mitigation measures included in existing plans and strategies, and additional mitigation measures considered for the NDC revision were developed and evaluated. The final element of the technical analysis was to consider the local development benefits (e.g., reduction in air pollutant emissions) and other key SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), that can be achieved through the implementation of these climate change mitigation measures. Project updates Project update National policy and planning 2022 Zimbabwe Steps Up Mitigation Targets and Includes Methane in its Nationally Determined Contributions
Project update National policy and planning 2022 Zimbabwe Steps Up Mitigation Targets and Includes Methane in its Nationally Determined Contributions