Image [media_placeholder] Transforming cookstove markets in Kenya through standards and labeling programmes Subscribe Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Project Portfolio Transforming Cookstove Markets In Kenya Through Standards and Labeling Programmes Year 2017 2020 Funding CCAC Funded Implementing partners Kenya, Clean Cooking Alliance, CLASP Standards and labeling (S&L) programs have been proven an effective tool for transforming the market for efficient end-user products in many countries. Similarly, the application of best practice principles and experiences from S&L programs, such as analysis of market data, product testing and stakeholder engagement, can also facilitate the transition to clean and efficient cookstoves and fuels. The Coalition has supported the non-profit organization, CLASP, and the Clean Cooking Alliance (former Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves) to carry out a series of standards and labeling projects to increase the penetration of clean cookstoves. ChallengesDeveloping S&L programs requires time and investment and it typically takes five years before a regulation is implemented. S&L programs require legal, financial, physical, and institutional resources, as well as strong political will. In many target countries, these resources already exist to some degree, although support is needed to facilitate the design and implementation of an effective cookstove S&L program. ObjectivesThe overall objective of this project is to develop the national strategies for cookstove standards and labeling programs in Guatemala, Kenya and Nigeria. Actions takenDeveloping the national strategies for cookstove S&L programs included mapping stakeholders, ongoing interventions, and the policy framework; determining how a national S&L approach might support ongoing initiatives; and assessing potential challenges and barriers to implementing effective S&L programs. CLASP interviewed cookstove and government stakeholders from all sectors (policy, implementation, test facilities, manufacturers, importers, retailers, civil society, other aid organizations, etc) to provide their perspective on the cookstove landscape and relevant barriers to clean cooking in target countries. The final country strategies – based on the inputs from stakeholders and international S&L best practices – recommended a high-level approach to developing cookstove S&L programs unique to each country, as well as detailed implementation activities, should local partners decide to adopt the high-level approach. Related documents Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2018 Standards and Labelling Best Practice Download Download Standards and Labelling Best Practice for Cookstoves_2017.pdf en Added on: 04 December, 2018 Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2018 Transforming the Cookstoves Market through Standards & Labeling in Kenya Download Download Transforming the Cookstoves Market through Standards & Labeling in Kenya_2017.pdf en Added on: 04 December, 2018 Related projects Transforming cookstove markets in Guatemala through standards and labeling programmes Transforming cookstove markets in Nigeria through standards and labeling programmes
Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2018 Standards and Labelling Best Practice Download Download Standards and Labelling Best Practice for Cookstoves_2017.pdf en Added on: 04 December, 2018
Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2018 Transforming the Cookstoves Market through Standards & Labeling in Kenya Download Download Transforming the Cookstoves Market through Standards & Labeling in Kenya_2017.pdf en Added on: 04 December, 2018