Guidelines & Tools Inventory of GHG Emissions from Dairy Cattle in Kenya 1995-2017 Published 2020 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Breadcrumb Home Resource Library Inventory of GHG Emissions From Dairy Cattle In Kenya 1995-2017 The objective of Kenya’s livestock sub-sector is to contribute to food and nutrition security within the context of the national goal and ambition for a low carbon emission and climate resilient development pathway. Nationally, the livestock sub-sector contributes about 36 % and over 95 % of the total agricultural sector greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.These emissions arise from enteric fermentation and manure, which contribute about 54.8% and 40.7 % respectively, of agricultural sector emissions. Considering the negative effects of GHGs on the climate system and in recognition of Kenya’s commitment and ambitions to mitigate climate change, it is incumbent upon the livestock sub-sector to reduce and remove these emissions. The periodic GHG inventory (emissions and their removals) in the sub-sectorusing recommended international guidelines is a unique opportunity to assess the effectiveness of policies and measures in addressing climate change. Additionally, such inventories provide crucial evidence that should inform future planning for enhanced emission reductions fromthe livestock sub-sector. A case in point on the use of GHG inventory to inform development of livestock emissions mitigation is the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) for the dairy industry that was developed in 2017 by the State Departmentfor Livestock (SDL). Contained in this report is the GHG inventory of Kenya’s dairy industry. The report details the process involved in data collection and basis for calculations of the emissions in accordance to the Intergovernmental Panel for ClimateChange (IPCC) Tier 2 methods. The application of the IPCC Tier 2 methods is an improvement to the basic Tier 1 methods that were applied during the first livestock sub-sector GHG inventory conducted in 2015.The use of Tier 2 methods in the dairy industryis deliberate and based on its importance to Kenya’s economy.The industry contributes an estimated 4 % to the GDP but also contributes 26 % of the total agricultural sector GHG emissions. Authors Kenya Related partners Kenya