Reports, Case Studies & Assessments Inventory of International Cooling Resources and Initiatives Published 2022 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Download Download 2022_Inventory-of-International-Cooling-Programs-and-Initiatives_CCAC.pdf en Added on: 02 September, 2022 Breadcrumb Home Resource Library Inventory of International Cooling Resources and Initiatives This inventory seeks to include all international cooling programmes and initiatives, meaning all coordinated efforts related to the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump (RACHP) sector, including passive and nature-based cooling solutions that have environmental objectives and operate in more than one country. Many activities accounted for in the inventory are being implemented globally, bilaterally, multilaterally or regionally, by various organizations through different coalitions, projects, programmes and initiatives. This information tool is intended to promote exchange, transparency and efficiency among those engaged in the cooling sector, with a view to avoiding duplication and identifying potential gaps for future work in this area. Initiatives that are primarily focused on one country were not included. While aspiring to be comprehensive, it is possible that certain international programmes and initiatives were missed or not included because there was insufficient information on their activities. However, additional initiatives could be included in subsequent versions of the inventory if there is sufficient interest from stakeholders to have this inventory updated on a regular basis. In order to populate the inventory, a questionnaire was sent to organizations known to the CCAC to be working in the cooling space, in order to collect information on their programmes and initiatives. In some instances, follow-up was conducted with organizations to seek clarification or additional information. For the few organizations that did not respond to the questionnaire, the Kigali Workstream itself collected relevant information on their programmes/initiatives through a search of publicly available information. The inventory consolidates information collected from the questionnaire and other sources into an approximately one-page summary of each selected programme and initiative, compiled in Part III of this document. It has been organized in alphabetical order under the name of each organization. Each summary includes a brief description of the objectives of the programme/initiative, its governance structure, key activities, and the level and source of funding (where applicable). Additionally, for ease of reference, Part II of this document provides a summary table listing all programmes and initiatives, including key facts about the organization, cooling objectives, sectors and geographic areas of focus, and any relevant information related to funding. Authors Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Tags Themes Cooling