Awareness Materials

Lagos LOW-M Portfolio

Lagos LOW-M

Lagos, Nigeria

This LOW-Methane Portfolio summarizes Lagos’ ove rall targets for ambitious methane reductions in the waste
sector, priority goals, and current and proposed lines of action. It is subject to further change as this work evolves.

This portfolio is intended to serve as a basis for discussions about next steps, including with partners who are exploring
providing additional support to the Lagos team to advance this work.


To advance Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contribution and National Action Plan to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants, as well as the Lagos Climate Action Plan and Lagos’ Pathway Towards Zero Waste Commitments, Lagos’ principal LOW-Methane target is to reduce waste disposal methane emissions at least 30% by 2030. 

In addition, Lagos has a target of treating at least 30% of organic waste by 2030, as well as 2050 targets of diverting 50% of organic waste to composting, reducing open dumping and burning of organic waste by 50%, and achieving landfill gas capture rates of 20%.