Guidelines & Tools

Landfill Gas Project Screening Tool - Version 2


The Landfill Gas Project Screening Tool is an Excel-based tool to assist cities in assessing the potential feasibility of a landfill gas energy (LFGE) project. It provides a preliminary estimate of how much landfill gas (LFG) a site could collect, and whether that fuel supply is likely sufficient to support a modest-sized LFGE project. LFGE project types include combusting LFG directly to produce heat (e.g., for industrial applications), using LFG to generate electricity, and – in some cases – converting LFG into a compressed natural gas (CNG) to fuel vehicles.

The Landfill Gas Project Screening Tool was developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency with support from Abt Associates and SCS Engineers on behalf of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition Municipal Solid Waste Hub.

Please use the links below to download the tool and its manual.

Tool Documentation
Tool - Excel file