CCAC Action Programme to Address the 1.5°C Challenge


This call for proposals has closed. We are no longer accepting applications.


The science is clear: we need to slow the rate of warming as soon as possible in order to limit the dangerous and irreversible impacts of climate change. Achieving this will require all countries and actors to take ambitious action to reduce short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) emissions as quickly as possible.

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition's Action Programme to Address the 1.5˚C Challenge helps countries accelerate actions to reduce these pollutants using an approach that integrates climate and clean air action. By focusing on actions that achieve both climate and clean air objectives, countries can help reduce the rate of near-term warming - which contributes to achieving the long-term Paris Agreement targets – while at the same time realizing immediate, local benefits for public health and supporting the attainment of many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

About the call

The Action Programme to Address the 1.5˚C Challenge is launching a $1,000,000 call for proposals for projects that support national or regional actions to reduce SLCPs.

Projects can apply for a maximum of $US 100,000 in funding, should have a maximum duration of 24 months, and should be ready to launch by Q1 2022.

Funding should be used in particular to support the goals of the Coalition as laid out in the new 2030 Strategy, following four mutually reinforcing areas of work:

  • Mobilize high-level political leadership with a national or regional focus
  • Target integrated climate and clean air policy
  • Drive transformative action in the main SLCP source sectors
  • Provide strong scientific and analytical support for action

The call is open to projects addressing a wide range of SLCP activities in a variety of economic sectors. However, all projects are encouraged to combine these three areas of work.

This year, given the extraordinary context of the Covid-19 pandemic, priority may be given to proposals that can demonstrate how the project will contribute to a green, inclusive recovery and mitigate the risks of Covid-19 to project delivery.

Eligibility conditions

To be eligible for consideration, projects must meet all of these conditions:

  • Applications must be submitted by or have the written endorsement of at least one national government eligible for official development assistance (ODA). Preference will be given to proposals submitted by or supporting one or multiple CCAC State Partners.
  • Applications must be submitted by a partnership of at least two entities (government or not-for-profit) actively involved in the implementation of the project.
  • The funding requested cannot be higher than $US 100,000 and the project duration cannot exceed 24 months.

Typical characteristics of a funded project

  • Contributes to SLCP emission reductions at scale, either during the timeframe of the project (direct) or after the project (indirect).
  • Delivers multiple benefits, such as improved air quality and public health, agricultural productivity, job creation, gender equality and the progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Contributes to the achievement of the CCAC 2030 Strategy, namely by combining the three key strategic directions: supporting high level leadership, driving national and transformative action, and enhancing the scientific case for action.
  • Builds on existing CCAC projects, knowledge products and tools, such as the recommended SLCP mitigation measuresNational Planning Support projects, the Multiple Benefits Pathway Framework and regional integrated assessments.
  • Has the potential to continue delivering results beyond the intervention, either by expanding the scale of the project or by replicating the project in other countries, regions or sectors.
  • Is significant to the beneficiary, with demonstrated country ownership and activities that are tailored to the local context.
  • Is collaborative in nature, involving one or several CCAC country partners and cooperation between public and private entities.
  • Complements existing projects and initiatives, creating synergies with relevant actors to ensure the greatest impact.

To get an idea of the types of projects that have received Action Programme funding in the past, please consult our website.

How to apply

This call is closed.

Projects approved under this call


May 27, 2021
August 31, 2021