CCAC Agriculture - 1st Full Hub Meeting

(New York)

We welcome CCAC Partners and all interested parties to join us for the CCAC Agriculture Hub's first Full Hub meeting. 


9:00-9:10 -  Welcome 

9:10-10:00 - Science-Policy

Country best practices on reducing methane from the livestock sector

Science and research in the livestock sector

10:00-10:15 - Discussion and Q&A

10:15-10:30 - Break

10:30-11:15 - Overcoming barriers to implementation in the livestock sector

  • Scaling up national methane action (Aimable Uwizeye, FAO)
  • Pathways to Dairy Net Zero presentation (Donald Moore, Global Dairy Platform)
  • Global Methane Hub support for implementation (Hayden Montgomery, Global Methane Hub)
  • CCAC Project: The contribution of sustainable intensification of livestock to the reduction of methane emissions. Countries: Panama and Dominican Republic in 2022-2024. (Oksana Tarasova, WMO and Cristobal Villanueva, CATIE). 

11:15-11:30 - Break

11:30-12:30 - Projects and priorities

  • Introduction to the CCAC’s National Methane Roadmap Programme
  • Update from the CCAC Secretariat on agriculture-based service requests from countries
  • Discussion among Full Hub members about the implications and future directions for the CCAC Agriculture Hub Call for Proposals to advance the Agriculture Hub Engagement Strategy