Methane Matters at COP27: The relevance of methane in climate action

Chile Pavilion
Sharm el-Sheikh

One year after the Global Methane Pledge’s launch, it is time to ensure implementation and ambitious methane cuts. 

At this event, speakers will present measures which signatories can take to put in place effective methane mitigation policies in energy, agriculture and waste respectively, and the steps that need to be taken to build a new global agreement to ensure the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge and go beyond. 

The Ministry of Environment of Chile will announce the launch of the enhanced version of their NDCs, which include methane. 


  • María Heloísa Rojas, Minister of Environment of Chile
  • Martina Otto, Head of Secretariat, CCAC
  • Carolina Urmeneta, Global Methane Hub
  • Tim Grabiel, Senior Lawyer, Environmental Investigation Agency 
  • Nusa Urbancic, Campaigns Director, Changing Markets
  • Mariel Viella, Director of global climate programme, Gaia  
  • Dr Kathleen Mar, Group Leader, IASS Potsdam


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