Unmanaged waste: a hidden cause of climate change 11 November, 2022 13:30 - 14:35 (Helsinki) EU Pavilion Sharm el-Sheikh Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Register here Image [media_placeholder] Breadcrumb Home Events & Meetings Unmanaged Waste: a Hidden Cause of Climate Change Waste impacts all SDGs. It is a priority issue for Egypt’s Presidency. The high level event will discuss how combating waste trafficking and supporting environmentally sound management of waste can contribute to reducing GHG emissions and promote circular economy as a climate mitigation strategy. Event contact Emily Kaldjian [email protected] Side event of CCAC at COP27 6 November, 2022 - 18 November, 2022 Organizers European Commission Ghana Add to Calendar Google Yahoo! Outlook.com Office.com iCal / MS Outlook