CCAC Newsletter August 2024

Clean Air

We are pleased to share with you the latest news from the Partnership, as well as information on opportunities for engagement and support. 

International Day of Clean Air for blue skies 2024


Please help spread the world about the fifth annual International Day of Clean Air for blue skies (7 September). This year's theme, Invest in #CleanAirNow, emphasizes the urgent need to view clean air as an asset that is essential for driving socio-economic development. The cost of inaction is staggering. Air pollution is projected to cost the global economy US$2.6 trillion per year by 2060 due to increased healthcare costs, environmental losses, reduced labor productivity and premature deaths.

Below are links to the communication assets and the call to action for the observance of International Day of Clean Air for blue skies 2024. Please take a moment to review these materials and share them widely—your support is key to making this initiative a success!

Use and distribute communication assets: the Event Brief, Key Messages, Brand Guide and the Trello board with all the materials across your networks. The Trello board will continue to be updated with additional and multilingual materials, so please check it regularly.

Organize & register your events - & encourage others to do the same: Ensure your activities have global visibility by registering them on the Clean Air Day website.

Use hashtags #CleanAirNow and #WorldCleanAirDay to promote actions and assets on social media. Encourage participation and share impactful stories and initiatives so they are displayed in the web for global visibility.

Encourage video messages and public statements from directors and senior officials expressing support for clean air.

Quick links:  

🌐 Website:

📄 Assets: (including new materials from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition and a new report from WMO)

🎥 Video:

📘 Guide:

🗂️ Event Registration:  

🗺️ Event Map:  

📝 Key messages:

🎶 Clean Air Day ‘24 Spotify playlist: 

Remote video URL

International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste

According to UNEP Food Waste Index report, households across all continents wasted over 1 billion meals a day in 2022. Food waste continues to hurt the global economy and fuel nature loss,  pollution and climate change. Rotting food waste in landfills adds to climate change by generating methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Food loss and waste reduction is a major strategy to cut methane emissions.  The fifth observance of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste will highlight the critical need for financing to bolster efforts to reduce food loss and waste, contribute to achieving climate goals and advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

A global virtual event will be convened by FAO and UNEP on 27 September at 13:30 CEST to mark this fifth observance.  

For more information, visit: Stop Food Loss and Waste (

Guidance on Including non-CO2 in NDCs

All signatories to the Paris Agreement are required to submit new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by February 2025 that show progressive ambition from previous NDCs to address climate change. Including non-CO₂ pollutants and air quality measures in upcoming NDCs (NDC 3.0) is a powerful way to increase climate ambition and offers a wide range of benefits to countries, including safeguarding human health, food security, energy security, economic development, and beyond.

“This Guidance is a direct response to country requests that have understood the significant opportunity that comes with including non-CO₂ pollutants in NDCs to reduce near-term warming and thereby keep our eyes on limiting warming to 1.5°C while simultaneously addressing multiple development agendas. Showing ambition and commitment unlocks national and global resources, directing private sector investments and tapping into cooperation opportunities and climate finance.” – Martina Otto, Head of Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat at UNEP.

The Guidance is a cornerstone of the support that CCAC offers members to strengthen national and global climate policy. Complementary CCAC support includes a growing collection of scientific and technical reports, as well as tailored technical assistance and financing for countries to strengthen non-CO2 elements and implementation of their NDCs. Additional information on the NDC Guidance and CCAC’s support on NDCs is available on our website.

Our latest Guidance recommends that all parties' NDC 3.0:

  • Include non-CO₂  mitigation goals and measures as part of the economy-wide target in all relevant sectors;
  • Integrate air quality planning and implementation to increase climate and health benefits;
  • Leverage related and complementary agreements, strategies, and initiatives to optimise resources, institutional support and implementation;
  • Ensure a comprehensive assessment and reporting approach in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework to drive finance, resources, and information into NDC development and implementation.

Click here to download the full guidance chapters.

Upcoming Events

5 September: Clear Skies Ahead: Unveiling the Climate and Clean Air Coalition’s Air Quality Management Exchange Platform (AQMx)

Join us on September 5, 2024, from 14:00-15:00 CET for a virtual launch event of the Air Quality Management Exchange Platform (AQMx), a “one-stop shop” for the latest guidance and tools on air quality management, setting forward a clear path to meeting interim targets identified in the WHO Air Quality Guidelines.  

This new platform represents a whole-of-United-Nations-approach, and was developed in response to a UNEA-6 resolution in February 2024, where countries called for increased global cooperation to tackle air pollution, and to collectively share best practices, tools, data, and information in order to plug gaps that exist in monitoring air quality.

More information here

12 August- 9 October: NDCs 3.0 Regional Fora

The NDCs 3.0 Regional Fora will be a place for government ministries to discuss in detail how to develop and implement ambitious Climate Plans or Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Delivering as One, the UN will organize the Fora by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the NDC Partnership, in collaboration with the UNFCCC Secretariat (UN Climate Change), the UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), the United Nations REDD programme, and the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), as well as regional partners including the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), and the United Nations Economic, Social Commission for West Asia (ESCWA) and the Asian Development Bank.  

We will delve into the crucial aspects of enhancing national climate commitments. This event will explore how the outcomes of the Global Stocktake (GST) adopted during COP28 can drive increased ambition in the next generation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs 3.0). We will identify and discuss potential challenges and opportunities in integrating GST outcomes into the preparation of the 2025 NDCs, drawing on lessons learned from the first generation. Additionally, we'll showcase how countries can expand their NDC targets to include comprehensive or sector-specific emission reductions in areas like energy efficiency, construction, transport, agriculture, and renewable energy, along with actions on methane and other short-lived non-CO2 pollutants.

The schedule for upcoming NDCs 3.0 Regional Fora in 2024 has been set as follows:  

  • Regional for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, from 3 to 5 September hosted by the government of Türkiye in Istanbul.  
  • Regional Forum for the Middle East and North Africa, from 23 to 25 September 2024 hosted by the government of Tunisia in Tunis.  
  • Regional Forum for Asia, from 30 September to 2 October in Bangkok, Thailand.  
  • Regional Forum for Africa, from 7 to 9 October 2024 hosted by the government of Rwanda in Kigali. 

    More information here

5 September: Can clean air zones as credible incentives for green mobility in emerging economies

This webinar, aims to consolidate the arguments for car-free zones and clean air zones as credible incentives for green mobility, firstly; by interrogating the evidence of environmental and economic externalities from the existing transport ecosystems, then exploring intervention synergies including the need for data, capacity enhancement, and stakeholder engagement.

More information here

5 September: Celebration of Clean Air Day 2024 in North America

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the World Resources Institute (WRI) have partnered to commemorate the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies in North America on Thursday, September 5th, 2024, to raise awareness of the urgency of boosting national action as well as regional and international collaboration to improve air quality.

More information here

10 September: How Gender Can Help Drive SLCP Mitigation in the Transport Sector

This webinar will focus on the importance of integrating a gender-responsive lens in transport planning and policymaking to reduce black carbon and PM2.5. There will be highlights on UNEP’s overall work and strategy on scaling up e-mobility as a driver for change towards gender transformation and just transition. In addition, WRI’s ongoing work and roadmap on gender mainstreaming in air quality management and transport sector will also be discussed. This will be followed by case studies in India and Colombia done by UNEP and WRI.  

This webinar is part of CCAC’s webinar series on gender mainstreaming that aims to tackle SLCP sectors, break down key gender considerations and opportunities to develop better, more sustainable plans and policies in discussion with sector and gender experts, NGOs, and country partners.

More information here

17 & 18 September: How to Include Non-CO₂ and Air Quality to Enhance Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

In light of the urgency, it is critical that the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) due in February 2025 not only address CO₂ emissions but also include non-CO₂ pollutants and air quality (AQ) measures. Incorporating these elements into NDC 3.0 can yield significant benefits for the climate, public health, food security, and economic development.

The launch of the CCAC guidance event aims to raise awareness about the critical role that super pollutants play in global warming and the urgent need to include them in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). It will provide guidance on effectively incorporating non-CO₂ pollutants and air quality measures into national climate strategies. The event will also highlight the available support from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and other stakeholders to assist countries in enhancing their NDCs.

More information here

12-25 September: Training on Seamless Prediction of Air Pollution in Africa

A comprehensive training school on air quality prediction and forecasting for African applications is being organised under the auspicious of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO). The event will be held considering online and in-person sessions. Online sessions will be organised on 12-25 September 2024.

These online webinars aim to introduce the participants to basic concepts of air quality processes, modelling, observations and applications. In-person training will be held at the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA), Cairo, from 1 to 4 of October 2024.

More information here

23 September: Climate and Clean Air Ministerial

- By Invitation Only-

This year’s Ministerial will call for increased ambition towards reducing super pollutants, building towards a focus on super pollutants at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. A key topic of discussion will be on methods and policies to reduce super pollutants being included in the upcoming NDCs 3.0, and highlighting progress made on key initiatives over the past year, including Africa Clean Air Programme, the Methane Roadmap Action Programme (M-RAP), and the Air Quality Management Program (AQMx). It will also spotlight opportunities for partners to engage in the CCAC’s work over the next years.

23-24 September: Climate Week NYC – The Hub Live Open session on Methane

The Hub Live will convene three flagship sessions during which global leaders will delve deep into the action and innovation that are needed to speed up climate action, ignite progress and accelerate action. In-person attendance is invite-only, but will be live-streamed for all.

For more information click here.

25 September: Pastures of Plenty – Sustainable Livestock Solutions for Climate, Nature and People

While livestock production has a significant impact on the earth's land, water, and climate, it also is an essential part of a food system that does and will continue to nourish and support billions every day. Livestock production systems are extraordinarily diverse, yet to address urgent global challenges—climate mitigation and adaptation, as well as biodiversity protection, food security, and improved livelihoods—we need significant, coordinated, and strategic investment across the Global North and South.  

The session will:

  • Discuss the key opportunities and most promising solutions from leading scientists
  • Provide a deep dive with experienced financers into how a transition to sustainable livestock systems can be financed 
  • Share the how-to and examples of successful partnerships from different parts of the world in achieving livestock sustainability 

    For more information click here.

News and Updates

Key Takeaways from the NDC 3.0 Regional Forum for the Pacific

The Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) 3.0 Regional Forum for the Pacific (13-16 August 2024) reaffirmed that Pacific Islands are resolutely committed to ambitious climate action at home and internationally.

The Forum provided an opportunity to strengthen partnerships with partners and members of the CCAC and Global Methane Pledge (GMP), enhance awareness of the urgency of reducing super pollutants and regionally launch the new CCAC Guidance on Including Super Pollutants in NDCs. Five Coalition state partners were present: Australia, Fiji, Palau, Vanuatu and the Federated States of Micronesia, which also holds the official role of GMP Champion. Fourteen Pacific SIDS are also members of the GMP, a voluntary pledge to collectively reduce global methane emissions by 30% from 2020 levels by 2030.

Read more here

CCAC Case Study: Linking Waste Management and Protein Production Through Insect Technology

This case study looks at a CCAC-supported project in Lima, Peru. The project conducted a feasibility study for a large-scale Black Soldier Fly facility to reduce methane emissions from organic waste, as well as value-added protein by-products.

Read more here

Q+A with Carlos de Regules: Fossil Fuel Methane Regulation in Mexico

Mexico was the first country in Latin America to develop national fossil fuel regulations for methane emissions and its experience provides a valuable example for policy makers internationally. Carlos de Regules is the Former Executive Director of Mexico’s National Agency for Industry Safety and Environmental Protection (ASEA) and led Mexico's regulatory process.

Read more here

Paraguay Investing in Clean Air Now

by Lilian Nunes Salas, CCAC National Project Coordinator, Paraguay

In Paraguay, like many other countries, the clean air sprint is ongoing. Despite having an electricity matrix powered entirely by renewable sources, the country faces significant challenges. The burning of biomass, vehicle emissions, and methane from agriculture and untreated waste are major contributors to air pollution.

Read more here

Liberia Enters Clean Air Planning Journey

by Lenn Gomah, CCAC National Coordinator, Liberia

Local implementers and community members in Liberia are increasingly recognising the urgent need to address air pollution and its impacts on public health. Recognising the urgency to reduce SLCP and combat air pollution, the CCAC has been actively engaged and instrumental in supporting Liberia in developing an integrated air pollution and climate change emission inventory, which is essential for informed policymaking.

Read more here

CCAC Support for Air Pollution and SLCP Mitigation in Cambodia

by Chhay Por Ing, CCAC National Project Coordinator, Cambodia

Mr. Him Chandath, Deputy Director of the Department of Air Quality, Noise and Vibration Management, General Directorate of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Environment, and the CCAC funded project implementer, said that with support from international development partners, notably the CCAC, the efforts to reduce air pollution, including SLCPs, will be successfully implemented and will contribute to the improvement of air quality, crop loss and ultimately improvement of human health.

Read more here

The Dominican Republic's Commitment to Clean Air

by Moises Julio Alvarez, CCAC National Project Coordinator, Dominican Republic

"My family’s health has suffered due to the polluted air, especially on days when the landfill is most active. It’s hard to breathe, and there’s no escaping the contaminated air," says González, who works tirelessly to raise awareness about the effects of air pollution in his community.

Read more here

Iraq Progresses on Fossil Fuel Methane Regulation

Iraq is among the world's top oil producers, with an accordingly large profile of methane emissions from the sector. Oil revenues accounted for more than 85% of the government's budget, and 42% of GDP in the last decade.

Iraq’s Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement identify several mitigation measures for the energy sector, including the reduction of flaring at oil and gas facilities, the improvement of monitoring to reduce methane venting, and the implementation of leak detection and repair operations.

Read more here

Inside the push to clean up one of Africa’s most-polluted transit routes

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UNEP-supported Climate and Clean Air Coalition are working to improve fuel efficiency along the Northern Corridor, one of Africa’s busiest transport routes. Observers say those reductions are crucial for cutting air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions – and eventually paving the way for zero-emission electric transport.  

Read more here

Long-term SLCP Planning Accumulates Benefits for Pakistan

Pakistan is the 7th largest methane emitter globally, with the majority of emissions coming from agriculture. Pakistan has already included methane mitigation within its NDC 2021, but as a data poor country it has faced planning and execution limitations despite its ambitions to reduce emissions and develop a circular economy in areas such as waste.

Read more here

Panama Publishes Roadmap for the Mitigation of Short-lived Climate Pollutants

Panama is a rare a country as its forests act as a carbon sink, absorbing more carbon dioxide that the country produces. However, Panama continues to further its climate mitigation goals. Through its membership of the Global Methane Pledge and Clean Air and Climate Coalition, Panama has the opportunity to advance action on methane by developing a National Methane Roadmap and SLCP Roadmap focused on Black Carbon.

Read more here

Vietnam developing best-practice HFC lifecycle management systems

As Vietnam’s GDP grows, so is demand for cooling appliances, particularly air-conditioners, many of which contain super-polluting hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) with global warming potentials many thousands of times higher than carbon dioxide.

Read more here.


Including Super Pollutants in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC 3.0)

The CCAC Guidance provides practical and strategic recommendations for experts and teams involved in preparing NDC 3.0 on how to set goals and identify specific measures suitable to the national context.

The Guidance focuses on a set of priority pollutants in five distinct chapters. The first chapter anchors the recommendations within the mandate of the Paris Agreement, providing a roadmap for how to identify, assess, confirm, and gain support for addressing the non- CO₂ goals and measures.

Read the Guidance here.

Mandatory mitigation to meet the methane imperative

by Durwood Zaelke, Founder and President, Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD)

The Frontiers in Science lead article “The methane imperative”, by Shindell et al. (5), provides definitive evidence demonstrating methane mitigation’s planet-saving ability to reduce near-term warming. This starts with observational evidence showing that methane growth rates are reaching the greatest values ever recorded—far above levels consistent with the 1.5–2ºC temperature limits of the Paris Agreement—and the recognition that mandatory mitigation measures are therefore needed.

Given the compelling evidence for its benefit, methane mitigation should be a slam dunk. The fact that it is not leads the authors to double down on the need for legally binding regulations and methane pricing. It is time to move beyond voluntary methane pledges toward mandatory mitigation measures that are fully implemented and robustly enforced.  

Read the Policy Outlook here.

Briefing Note: Combating Air Pollution to Control Desertification and Improve Food Security in Africa

Recent research from the Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa shows that improved air quality  in Africa can have significant health benefits, and can also contribute to combating desertification and thus enhance food security.

Read the brief note here.


CCAC Country Outreach and Engagement Consultant

The CCAC Country Outreach and Engagement consultant will strengthened outreach and engagement across ODA-eligible CCAC country partners to ensure that their priorities and needs to support SLCP mitigation are met.

More information here

Job Opening: Methane Planning Expert - Angola

The CCAC National Methane Planning Consultant will be responsible for supporting the definition of a cross-sectoral methane roadmap based on the inputs provided by the Ministry of Environment and other line ministries. The roadmap should follow the CCAC M-RAP Methane Roadmap template and its five building blocks. The methane roadmap should integrate input from relevant stakeholders from different sectors.

Click here for full details and to apply.

Job Opening: Programme Management Officer (Air Quality) - UNEP

This role will be responsible for providing technical support to and facilitate cooperation under the Global Air Quality Cooperation Network established as part of UNEA Resolution 6/10, including through organisation of meetings and facilitation of information and knowledge exchange;

Click here for full details and to apply.

Job Opening: CCAC Programme Specialist (Governance, Strategy)

The CCAC Programme Specialist (Governance, Strategy) will assist with delivery of the CCAC governance functions, including support to the CCAC Board and Co-Chairs, various decision-making processes, reviews of project proposals, monitoring progress towards the CCAC 2030 Strategy, etc.

Click here for full details and to apply.