Union Internationale des Transports Publics (UITP)

CCAC Partner since


UITP (Union Internationale des Transports Publics or International Association of Public Transport) is a worldwide network that brings together all public transport stakeholders and sustainable transport modes.

UITP has over 1,500 members in around 100 countries and represents the key players needed for low carbon, clean urban mobility. Its members are public transport authorities and operators, policy decision-makers, research institutes and the public transport business/supply and service industry. 

UITP works actively with its members to create policies and practices that will deliver substantial long-term and short-lived climate pollutant reductions over the coming decades. UITP also works extensively with international agencies, such as the UNFCCC under the Marrakesh Partnership, and has Consultative Status with ECOSOC, helping to advance efforts on the Sustainable Development Goals, which calls on expanding public transport.


Rue Sainte Marie, 6
Brussels 1080,Belgium

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