Pilot Projects of R-744 & HC-290 Refrigerant Substitution Technology For Electric Vehicles


The mobile air conditioning (MAC) sector in China is the largest user of HFC-134a – which has a global warming potential of 4,470 –and contributes significantly to HFC consumption in terms of metric tonnes of CO2 equivalent. Similarly, in India, the automotive sector is responsible for 40% of HFC consumption. The automotive sector's HFC consumption in servicing is increasing, fuelled by high leakage rates.

Transitioning to low-GWP alternatives like R-744 and HC-290 in the MAC sector can effectively reduce HFC consumption as part of both countries’ obligations under the Kigali Amendment. Doing so in the automobile sectors of China and India can develop research findings to open up possibilities to replicate the strategy in the broader automobile industry.


This project will aim to

•    Pilot a project for a standardised R744 air-conditioning system for Electric Vehicles in China

•    Pilot a project for updating the HC-290 air-conditioning system for vehicles in India

•    Disseminate best environmental practices in the MAC servicing sector



•    Develop a set of standard R-744 AC systems developed for electric vehicles
•    Build pilot models and conduct road test certifications
•    Form design specifications for R-744 systems and key components 
•    Demonstrate the safe use of HC-290 refrigerant for mobile air conditioning thru a pilot project on two prototype vehicles.
•    Form guidelines for the safe use of HC-290 AC systems in passenger and small commercial vehicles in India
•    Train trainers from China, India, and SAE 
•    Train National Ozone Officers to disseminate findings and promote climate-friendly refrigerants

Project reference - CLG-23-002 – Pilot Projects of R-744 & HC-290 Refrigerant Substitution Technology For Electric Vehicles