Online Training & Materials Beyond PM2.5: The Other Effects of Wildfires on Air and Water Quality Published 2024 Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Download Download watch en Added on: 27 January, 2025 Breadcrumb Home Resource Library Beyond PM2.5: The Other Effects of Wildfires On Air and Water Quality This webinar includes a presentation on wildland fire smoke which impacts millions of people in the U.S. every year. While the negative impacts of PM2.5 on air quality and human health are well established, wildland fires mobilize other pollutants that impact EPA’s mission areas of clean air and clean water, with implications for human health. This webinar discusses a wide range of effects of wildland fire on air and water quality, including emerging science on the topic (e.g., pollutants mobilized through the burning of human infrastructure). Finally, the webinar discusses how this research can inform public communications on the risks of wildland fire and approaches to mitigate those risks.