Database TFTEI Clearing House of Control Technologies Share SHARE Facebook share Twitter LinkedIn Copy URL Email Download Download clearing-house-home en Added on: 07 January, 2025 Breadcrumb Home Resource Library TFTEI Clearing House of Control Technologies This clearing house is operated by TFTEI (Task Force on Techno-Economic Issues), under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. It aims to deliver information on reduction techniques for SO2, NOx, PM, VOC, HM and POP coming from different anthropogenic sources through:Updated information on best available techniques to reduce emissions, with a focus on technical descriptions and environmental performances,Information on the latest developments on reduction techniques both for general and specific applications, with a focus on technical descriptions and environmental performances,Operating experience and feedback from operators, with a focus on lessons learned in the field and real-life investments and operating costs. Related partners United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)