National planning support

CCAC Funded
Implementing partners

The major health, climate, crop yield and ecosystem benefits of short-lived climate pollutant mitigation that have been identified in global assessments will only be achieved through widespread and scaled-up action. Action at the national scale is essential for ensuring relevant policies are implemented and that mitigation actions are pursued effectively to deliver the greatest development benefits.

The SNAP initiative provides technical and financial support to countries wishing to undertake national planning to mitigate short-lived climate pollutants. It does this by bringing together relevant data to develop an overview of where emissions are being adequately addressed through current plans, of existing policies and programmes in which short-lived climate pollutant mitigation can be mainstreamed, and of gaps where additional action should be taken.


Our work aims to give decision makers the tools and information they need to prioritize mitigation actions and track their progress.  This covers:

  • Assessing short-lived climate pollutant emissions, policies and measures that will address emissions, and opportunities for further mitigation
  • Strengthening the case for the implementation of existing strategies, policies and plans that will reduce emissions
  • Increasing awareness and political will to act on air quality and climate issues by better demonstrating the multiple benefits of action
  • Mainstreaming further action on short-lived climate pollutants into existing strategies, policies and plans
  • Identifying gaps in existing legislations and plans and defining new actions that need to be taken - from actions focused on specific sources, to new legislation and plans
  • Ensuring coherence and integration between air quality and climate objectives and interventions

What we're doing

We are currently supporting 12 countries, providing financial and technical support to:

  • Develop an assessment of short-lived climate pollutant emissions at the national level: their impacts and likely progression in the future, the current regulatory framework, and existing actions
  • Identify possible mitigation measures, mitigation potential and the potential benefits for climate and clean air
  • Develop national priorities for action on emission sources that could be taken immediately and further into the future
  • Define the most cost-effective implementation pathways and concrete actions to reach goals
  • Understand the information, capacity and finance gaps that would need to be filled to ensure effective mitigation
  • Define how to track progress in reducing emissions and periodically refine priority actions

The initiative has developed a guidance document that outlines the different steps proposed for the planning process, and provides training to countries on how to use the LEAP tool and its integrated benefits calculator for the assessment of national short-lived climate pollutant emissions and impacts.