Opportunities for Increasing Ambition of NDCs Through Integrated Air Pollution and Climate Change Planning

NDC Guidance Update CCAC

As we look towards 2025, and the next round of NDCs, the opportunities are clear. Countries must enhance their climate ambition. By identifying, prioritising and including mitigation measures that reduce SLCPs and improve air quality in their NDCs, countries can slow the pace of the climate crisis while simultaneously maximising co-benefits to health, food security and economic development.  

In 2019, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition  produced a practical framework to help develop an integrated climate change and air pollution mitigation analysis to assess the effects of different policies. This brief shows that while there has been substantial progress in enhancing NDCs through the inclusion of SLCPs since 2016, there is still room for growth.  

Download our NDC Progress Brief.
Download our NDC Guidance for more information.