Mongolia CCAC Partner since 2014 Breadcrumb Home Our Partners Mongolia About Since joining the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) in 2014, Mongolia has actively sought to reduce short-lived climate pollutants through CCAC initiatives and other international efforts. Within its borders, the Mongolian government has identified air quality as a key development priority and is working to reduce emissions from coal-fired heating and cooking stoves. Mongolia has received funding and technical support through the CCAC’s national planning initiative to identify ways to integrate short-lived climate pollutant mitigation activities into existing policies. In 2017, the country joined the BreatheLife campaign, committing to bring air quality in its cities to safe levels by 2030. In 2019, Mongolia updated its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), which commits to a 22.7% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2030. Achieving this target would result in an estimated 12% reduction of black carbon emissions and a 23% reduction of methane emissions. In 2020, the President of Mongolia announced that a 27.2% reduction of greenhouse gases could be achieved provided that rigorous conditional measures, such as waste-to-energy programs, were put in place. The National Action Programme on Climate Change is the central document guiding Mongolia’s climate change planning, highlighting mitigation actions across multiple sectors. Its second phase (2017-2021) will see the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures. The program aligns with Mongolia’s long-term Sustainable Development Vision, launched in 2016. The Sustainable Development Vision report highlighted the goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across its sectors to improve air pollution. Mongolia has been a leader in reducing HFC emissions and protecting the ozone layer. The National Ozone Authority (NOA) in the Ministry of Environment and Tourism is dedicated to implementing measures to reduce ozone-depleting substances. Mongolia is also undergoing an HCFC Phaseout Management Plan (HPMP), which aims to achieve a 97.5% reduction from baseline by 2030. As air quality is an important part of Mongolia’s national priorities, several strategies have been created to address this. The 2012 Law on Air Quality is a key piece of legislation that outlines measures to protect ambient air quality, such as conducting greenhouse gas inventories. The Government also issued a ban on raw coal in 2019 under Resolution No. 62 and enabled subsidies for refined coal briquettes to reduce PM2.5 levels across Ulaanbaatar. Specialized branches in national and municipal government, including such as the National Committee on Air Pollution Reduction in 2012 and the Ulaanbaatar City Air Quality Office, have been established to advance the clean air agenda. Other activities Waste 2017-2021 Waste and Climate Change project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and implemented by the International Environment Technology Center of UN Environment targeted reducing short-lived climate pollutants in Mongolia's waste sector. Household Energy The Energy and Environment project was initiated and funded by the U.S. financing agency, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, to study the benefits of clean cookstoves in Ulaanbaatar between 2008-2013. The project targeted residents living in traditional portable tents that heavily relied on coal-fueled heating and cooking, and the project found significant impacts on outdoor air pollution – showing a 65% decrease of PM2.5. Mongolia bank XacBank worked together with CCAC in 2017 to bring clean heating alternatives such as electric heaters and solar technologies to families living on the outskirts of the capital city who mainly rely on coal-fired heating and cooking systems. XacBank also worked with the Green Climate Fund to provide affordable long-term loans for the residents to purchase these energy-efficient technologies or retrofit their homes to improve insulation. Oil and Gas The Global Methane Initiative conducted an investigation on the feasibility of coal mine methane recovery in 2013 and provided an inventory of fugitive emissions. The project also helped build capacity for decision-makers in quantifying emissions and opportunities for development. Sustainable Development Goals The Green Passports program was launched by the Mongolian Ministry of Environment and Tourism with the support of the CCAC to incentivize youths to engage in environmental protection. The program was able to engage 50,000 students in various activities such as designing recycling bins or planting trees. Address Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism, 15160 Government building 2, UN Street 5/2, Chingeltei districtUlaanbaatar,Mongolia CCAC projects Previous Next Mongolia - Integrate livestock methane targets into National Climate Policy Agriculture Mongolia - Integrate livestock methane targets into National Climate Policy Technical support to inform Mongolia's NDC National policy and planning Technical support to inform Mongolia's NDC Mongolia - National Planning on short-lived climate pollutants National policy and planning Mongolia - National Planning on short-lived climate pollutants HFC inventories Cooling HFC inventories BreatheLife Campaign Public health, National policy and planning BreatheLife Campaign The Global Sulfur Strategy Heavy-duty vehicles and engines The Global Sulfur Strategy See all Related resources Awareness Materials 2022 Raising Climate Ambitions and Improving Air Quality in Mongolia Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2019 Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific: Science-based solutions (Summary + Full report) Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2018 Financing Household Clean Energy Solutions See all Related news and updates Open now! 2023 call for proposals to support national planning and mitigation Call for proposals 14 Nov 2023 Open now! 2023 call for proposals to support national planning and mitigation Mongolia increases climate change ambition with actions that improve air quality and human health News 17 Mar 2020 Mongolia increases climate change ambition with actions that improve air quality and human health 15 countries address SLCPs and air-pollution as part of their INDCs News 30 Oct 2015 15 countries address SLCPs and air-pollution as part of their INDCs See all
Mongolia - Integrate livestock methane targets into National Climate Policy Agriculture Mongolia - Integrate livestock methane targets into National Climate Policy
Technical support to inform Mongolia's NDC National policy and planning Technical support to inform Mongolia's NDC
Mongolia - National Planning on short-lived climate pollutants National policy and planning Mongolia - National Planning on short-lived climate pollutants
Reports, Case Studies & Assessments 2019 Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific: Science-based solutions (Summary + Full report)
Open now! 2023 call for proposals to support national planning and mitigation Call for proposals 14 Nov 2023 Open now! 2023 call for proposals to support national planning and mitigation
Mongolia increases climate change ambition with actions that improve air quality and human health News 17 Mar 2020 Mongolia increases climate change ambition with actions that improve air quality and human health
15 countries address SLCPs and air-pollution as part of their INDCs News 30 Oct 2015 15 countries address SLCPs and air-pollution as part of their INDCs